The chalenge
Create the new event module in the LOOP platform, with the purpose of supporting LOOP’s existing services.
The new module needed to support the main funktionality of a video sharing cervice along with several supporting feetures, for both the viewers and the hosts of the event.
All feetures need to be modular to alow the host of an event to opt out of the feetures they do not need.
The Prosses
I created a series of wireframes to map out the optimal layout of the Event page and ensure that the page as a whole is balaned and have a visual hirarchy.
I worked closly with LOOP's existing design profile to ensure a coherent design across the platform and on the page. I incorperated existing feetures into the page, like the user listings, and chat funktionality and designed new elements like the "Room" cards, and the funktionality for live single video presentation with supporting funktionality.